Thornton Gale
Technical Writer
This article is a review of the object-oriented development environment known as SmalltalkAgents, a product of Quasar Knowledge Systems (abbreviated QKS) of Bethesda, Maryland. SmalltalkAgents is a complete implementation of the de facto-standard Smalltalk-80, but as we’ll see in this review, SmalltalkAgents includes a number of very nice extensions to the Smalltalk-80 standard. Also, SmalltalkAgents is a new-generation development environment and raises the bar on what a development environment should be like.
Article: "SmalltalkAgents", MacTech Magazine (April 1994)
The business process is a fundamental concept in enterprise modeling and comes into focus especially during Business Process Reengineering efforts. Unfortunately, there is no widely accepted definition of the business process which meets the rigor needed by the analysts who create models of the enterprise. This article presents a formal definition of the business process which we call the abstract business process or ABP for short. In the object-oriented enterprise modeling methodology the authors have developed known as Future Strategy Business Planning (FSBP), the design or reengineering of the enterprise is accomplished by defining then designing its ABPs
Article:  "The Abstract Business Process", Object Magazine (January 1996)
Magazine Articles
Here are two feature magazine articles (i.e., listed on cover; decorated with art work) I have written.