Thornton Gale
Technical Writer
Book: Getting Results with the Object-Oriented Enterprise Model, Cambridge University Press (1996), 648 pages
From the Foreword by James Odell:

“This book ...ties together foundations based on business, formal theory, modeling and methodology. Several well known Object Oriented modeling approaches have been selected, synthesized, and evolved. Various techniques ranging from chaos theory to value-chain analysis have been woven together to enhance the process. Finally, a detailed, cohesive methodology has been assembled, assisting the reader every step along the way. In short, the authors have produced a comprehensive treatment of enterprise modeling methods and techniques - one that will help us to develop effectively the next generation of enterprise systems.”

This work has been cited many times by other authors working in the field of corporate re-engineering.
Book: Getting on Your Genealogy Website,
Lulu Press (2008), 469 pages
This book describes in detail how to create a genealogy website.   This book, written for the genealogy power user presents the following:

An understandable coverage of a technical subject matter

A website development methodology

A detailed explanation of how to organize the information in a genealogy website

An explanation of what is needed (and how to use it) to create a genealogy website

How to turn a genealogy website into a genealogy book

I have written two full length books as follows: